Production Scheduling and Booking Automation
Problem Statement:
A leading government projects manufacturer and heavy industry supplier needed a solution which could help them monitor, track, control and act real time, on the entire Production process.
- Their every project was unique with different BOM.
- It was a voluminous task of tracking all the activities of all the production lines due to multitudes of projects and activities running con-currently
- Daily Production status tracking was manual hence real time tracking and implementing quick changes was a challenge.
- They were also unable to track the shop floor and OEE efficiency real time, to take corrective actions which led to wastage in material, duplication of work, non-utilization of resources or missing out on project delivery milestones.
- Manual data entry of job was also a tedious and time consuming activity, along with inherent manual errors.
Cloud9 Technology Solution:
Cloud9 Production Scheduling and Booking through IoT based Biometric and RFID HMI devices.
- Implemented the Production Scheduling and Booking Automation Solution.
- Integrated the data from SAP to create priority based production scheduling.
- Created worker based daily shift wise job schedules. Workers can access their activities on Touch screen HMIs authenticated by their RFID Cards.
- System captures real time job work status and progress through shop floor located HMI devices.
- Real time, error free and immediate data availability to managers and across hierarchy for prioritizing actions and planning.
Business Impact:
“The solution transformed the production process from a manual one to an automated and fully digitized one. It ensured accountability at every stage and hierarchy of the shop floor. It offered them a window for monitoring at macro and micro level, enlisting each and every activity of all their production lines and activities centrally prioritizing actions and planning.”
- Ready availability of comprehensive real time data for quicker and accurate scheduling and re-scheduling of production activities.
- Elimination of the manual process of time office data entry and freeing up of 6 resources from the team.
- Ensured efficient planning and optimization of shop floor resources and machinery at all stages.
- Ultimately resulting in enhancement of bottom lines.